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sbabv.jpg (10k) The Advantages of Cats Over Infants
January 4-5, 1995 - Oil on canvas- 10 by 20 inches

Based on Static Electricity, April 1994


The other day Jean found young Brent in the litter box digging around eating Fluffy's excrement. Jean imagines that seventeen years from now Brent will not be too happy when she brings this up to Brent's new lover that he brings home. In a few years, Jean will be able to have conversations with Brent, and in a few more he'll need no assistance in the bathroom. But in the meantime, there are those endless foul diaper changes, screaming fits that come and go without reason, and lingering concerns about things such as the distance between the bars of Brent's crib. By contrast, Jean tells me that Fluffy took only a week to learn to use the litter box, has a wonderful personality and sense of humor, will require no expensive education, and is fed and medically attended to with relatively meager expenditures.

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