now I love Monster.com Wednesday, January 16 2002
What day is it, Wednesday? Who cares? Every day is Saturday when you're on New York State unemployment! This grim economic era is the rolling-over-and-falling-asleep season that follows the hectic all-nighters, weekend code-crafting marathons, and all other furious labor-fucking of the dotcom boom. Not that I was ever one to be held up as an example of the late-90s-slacker-gone-work-obsessed, but now we know that all that work was in vain, so it doesn't even matter what exactly I was, did, or accomplished. I'm just happy about one thing: that I worked as long as I could while there was work, that I didn't do as some of my colleagues did: work myself into a frazzle only to bail out for rest and relaxation months before the bubble collapsed.
Until very recently, I'd grown to hate Monster.com, the commercial online job search service. Their television advertisements are annoying, and (as anyone who has ever tried to use it can attest) their website is about as useful for finding a job as hiding out in an Afghan cave and praying to Mecca five times a day. But now that I have steady unemployment checks coming in at a rate that can support my New York City lifestyle, I'm suddenly a big fan of Monster.com! By what other method can I apply for four jobs a day (with documentation to prove it) and rest assured that my employment status will remain unchanged?
Today Gretchen took delivery of a new laser printer (the Brother HL-1440) that I'd bought her for her 31st birthday, which is on Saturday. This printer will remove an entire step or two from the process of submitting poetry to journals, a process that nearly always results in a letter of rejection. The poetry world is still ruled by the paradigm of paper, and it's impossible to get a quality printout from an inkjet printer. Without having to go to Kinkos to get laser-printed originals and then make copies of them, Gretchen can mail out poems directly from home.
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