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   articles that vindicate
Thursday, August 1 2002
I go through phases in my conversations with the keeyads. A few weeks ago I began telling them "likely!" for no particular reason. It was a simple shortening of the phrase, "likely to go meow," "likely to have fun in the pwark," or "likely to be cute." Now, though, "likely" has transformed for some reason into "slightly" and doesn't mean anything at all. Earlier phases of similar talk included one I inherited directly from my days with Bathtubgirl, when I used to call her dog Sophie "snookems" or simply "snooks." I called Sally "snookems" for a month or so after moving to New York, but I gradually stop using that particular term of endearment.

The Bush White House: Ashcroft, Cheney, and that prize trophy near the door, Colin Powell. To me it's curious that a democracy can install a government that cares so little for the principles of democracy, and more curious that it takes a stock market crash to draw attention to the situation. What if there was no stock market crash? Is this yet another case of divine intervention from an all-merciful God on behalf of the hapless white people of North America? Under God, indeed!
I've gotten to the point now where I'll read some new infuriating outrage coming out of the White House, and I'll feel utterly powerless to do anything about it. I am just one person, and my views are not in agreement with the mainstream, so no one really cares what I think. Nonetheless, I'll find myself surfing the web looking for evidence that somewhere someone does care, or better still, the average SUV-coveting voter has put down his copy of The Remnant long enough to care (for purely selfish reasons of course). Short of that, the only real good news is further declines in the stock market. Sometimes the only hope for a sane livable world comes when capitalism itself votes against the insanity with its feet.
I think I need to ration my compulsive web use. My constant pursuit of vindication in these troubled times leads me into vicious cycles of repetitive, obsessive web surfing. I find an article that vindicates my viewpoint, I get a temporary thrill, but then I crash and must find more. It's not healthy.
I remember I was also this way back during the Florida recount. Things were creepy, surreal, and anything but democratic back then. I guess no one should be surprised that what it gave is the closest thing to totalitarism Americans have seen in modern times.

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