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Like my brownhouse:
   hilarious splashing
Saturday, June 14 2003

I've been thinking about the way our country is now occupying Iraq after having invaded it using false pretenses. Then I think about the Iraqis who are sneaking around shooting at our troops throughout the country. Consider, for a moment - shouldn't these Iraqi fighters be considered brave patriots to their nation? Aren't their actions more defensible than those of the Americans? Iraq does not belong to America, and since there is no sound reason for Americans to be there, isn't it right and just that they, an illegitimate invading army, be fired upon? Mind you, I have full sympathy for our troops, sent to serve as props in Bush's presidential campaign. But I'm sorry, those soldiers just don't have God on their side. It sucks to be a member of an occupying army stationed in an unfriendly land half way around the world.

Gretchen took our visitors Lin and Mark to rendezvous with Larry our realtor, and they all went off to look at houses in the area. The plan is for Lin and Mark to eventually move up from the City, but they're not ready quite yet and have an idea that maybe they can buy a house up here first and rent it out for the time being.
They returned in the afternoon and the weather was sunny and nice for the first time in many days. So we all climbed into the 12 foot inflatable kiddie pool in the front yard. It was sitting on a little bit of a slope and I had to pound long stakes into the ground to form a support system to keep it from prolapsing.
I've never understood the temptation people have to splash other people when they're all sitting together in a body of water. To me, it's rude and uncomfortable, and makes for an unpleasant experience. Others, however, think splashing other people is way up there with watching someone slip on a banana peal. Sally the Dog has a great sense of humor, but she seems to be in complete agreement with me on the subject of splashing. After Gretchen splashed her, she went off to sulk a good distance away.

After a dinner comprised of a noodle bake, we watched a Netflix DVD Lin had rented called Backlash, a formulaic law & order movie laden with cliché plot details, gratuitous violence, dreadful writing, and stiff acting. It was so entertainingly bad that it came across as a parody of movies in this genre, sort of like the "movie" Ali G wanted to produce in the episode where he talked to studio poohbahs in Hollywood. It's important to note, however, that my perceptions had been somewhat altered by marijuana.

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