Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   glass hauling with Sally
Tuesday, November 13 2007

setting: rural Hurley Township, Ulster County, New York

Today I picked up four sheets of glass for reglazing my original solar panel. Each measured a little over 36 by 60 inches, and I knew these would occupy all of the back area of the Honda Civic hatchback, leaving room for just me and a single passenger. This meant I had a choice to make: either disappoint both dogs, or disappoint only one. I decided to do the latter. The fact of the matter is that Sally is much more enthusiastic about riding around in the car than Eleanor is, and Sally also spends a lot more of her time guilt tripping me for being bored. So Sally got to come, while Eleanor stayed home and basked in front of the fire (one of her favorite activities at this time of year).
To fit the glass in the car with the hatch closed, I had to move both seats as close as possible to the dashboard. This wasn't much of a problem for Sally, but it didn't make driving home especially pleasant for me. It turns out, though, that driving with a steering wheel three inches from your chest is possible, particularly if you're only taking back roads and your drive is only about five miles. I don't know what would have happened had the airbag gone off.

In the evening Gretchen had to drive down to her prison teaching gig at Eastern Correctional Facility despite the fact that she was suffering from the flu. That the was the prison whose staff had given her hell for accidentally bringing her cellphone to security last time she'd taught a class there. The rumor mill had been in overdrive since she'd been unceremoniously escorted from her class, so today the members of her class (all of whom love her of course) were relieved to see that she hadn't been banned from the facility.

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