Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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   splitting some aspen
Wednesday, November 14 2007
It was a rainy day and again Gretchen was sick but had to work. At some point today I split up some firewood I'd gathered on the road near Penny & David's house. It was waterlogged and stinky like Cottonwood, but it smelled unpleasant in a slightly different way, the grain was a little different, and the bark looked like red maple. I'm guessing that, like Cottonwood, it was another species of poplar, perhaps Bigtooth Aspen. I could see why it would be rejected as a firewood because of its reluctance to dry, but it was very easy to cut and split, and it's no special problem for me to dry it next to the stove before burning it.

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