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Like my brownhouse:
   Mountain Brew hangover
Thursday, September 2 2010

location: Lake Hill, Ulster County, New York

At some point I woke up in the middle of the night amazed at how completely fine I felt despite all those Stewart's Mountain Brews I'd drunk last night. But by this morning I was feeling terrible. Usually my hangovers (from microbrews, wine, or liquor) are centered in my brain and have psychological effects, but this one was centered entirely in my stomach. I was feeling mildly nauseated and generally uncomfortable. Still, I sat with Mark this morning and had a cup of coffee. But that was all I could do; I needed to get home and make myself comfortable.
Home lay fifteen and a half miles away, and I continued feeling uncomfortable for all of that ride. It felt good to be away from the strain of social interaction. But strain of having to drive wasn't a big improvement. At times I'd experience a wave of intense nausea and I'd feel the need to moan a stylized moan (instead of "Ooooh!" I'd say "Owington!"). I made it all the way home, though I didn't make it all the way into the driveway. I had to stop, open the door, and puke. Once, twice, maybe three times. It was all coffee, stomach acid, homegrown tomatoes, and tiny fragments of Stewart's brand FritosTM corn chip knock-offs. After parking the car, I puked at least twice more. There seemed to be an endless amount of nasty acid in my stomach. This was the first time in many years that I'd thrown up as a direct result of alcohol. You have to be careful with that Mountain Brew.
Once that was over with, I rinsed out my mouth, ate some baking soda to further neutralize remaining stomach acid, and drank some water. Then I went off to bed. It was still early and Gretchen was still asleep. [REDACTED]

In many respects, today was something of a lost day due to the hangover, which lingered well into the evening. It helped to eat food, but when I tried drinking another Stewart's Mountain Brew this evening (hair of the dog!) in hopes of feeling better, it had the opposite effect. I ended up staying up late working on another web development project I'd been leaving to languish in the face of higher priorities.
I also began work setting up the Debian-based Linux media player box on a different Atom-based motherboard (one made by ASROCK having a more powerful Nvidia Ion graphics processor capable of better video playback). The new media computer will also have an enormous 2 TB Western Digital Caviar Green hard drive (which use less power and make less noise than the other options).

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