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Like my brownhouse:
   last IPA in the keg
Thursday, February 10 2011
Gretch had a hard at work down at the prison, so tonight we went to our favorite restaurant where eating vegan is a struggle: the Skytop Steakhouse. They were having some sort of local realtor convention there, complete with nametags, but it was also open for regular customers. We saw a handful of people we know in the local realtor industry, including the guy whose house we bought and even our across-the-road neighbor (who works as a house "stager"). But we kept our heads down and didn't run up to anyone demanding, "How the hell are you?"
There were a couple muscular young men across the bar from us and when I saw them eating a salad and then drinking wine, I proposed that they were vegan body builders. That fantasy lasted until their main course came out of the kitchen. Meanwhile Gretchen had gotten the bartender to change the television from Fox News to "anything else," which turned out to be basketball.
I drank the last of the Ithaca IPA from the keg, and I could tell from the weak carbonation that the keg was nearly done. When I wanted another, I had to settle for a Saranac Imperial IPA. I usually prefer IIPAs over regular IPAs, but not in this case. It was only about as good as a mediocre batch of Hurricane Kitty.
I went to the bathroom at one point and found that some idiot had left the hot water running. All that energy was literally going down a drain. I suspect one of the doucheiest of the local realtors had washed his hands and then not wanted to contaminate them by turning off the water afterwards.
At the bar Gretchen and I had a conversation where Gretchen mentioned her fondness for the song "Lust for Life," which she seemed to think, perhaps due to an obscure cover or a mislabeled MP3, had been made by the Velvet Underground. I corrected her by saying the song was from Iggy Pop. But then I blanked (I had a senior moment) on the band Iggy Pop had been part of. That lack of knowledge gnawed at me for the rest of our time there, through the fries, the cheeseless pizza, and finally the salad. When we got back home, I looked it up using Mr. Google. The Stooges!

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