Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   unlikely to ever again inconvenience a coyote
Saturday, November 10 2012
Gretchen's illness (some sort of chest cold) continued today, having gone on for over a week. One of her miseries has been an inability to easily go numero dos, and her preferred laxative is coffee. As our house was completely out of coffee, I decided to drive down into Old Hurley and get us some from the Stewarts. After I got a bag of ground coffee, a paper cup of prepared coffee, and a bag of salted peanuts, I took Eleanor for another walk in the corn field just north of the Dutch Reformed Church. There was still a sign at the entrance to that field warning "Coyoe [sic] traps set" that I ignorned. But of course I didn't want Eleanor to end up in one of those traps, so I payed close attention to her behavior as we walked down the dirt road that runs along the Esopus levee (where, for some reason, the Town of Hurley or some other source dumps enormous amounts of chipped-up wood). At some point Eleanor started carefully sniffing the ground, at which point I felt that something was amiss. So I picked up a stick and started prodding the ground. I stepped on a place that I retroactively realized was disturbed soil and I felt a trap discharge under my foot like the world's most ineffectual landmine (such traps pose no danger to anyone wearing shoes). I won't say what happened next, but let's just say that that particular trap is unlikely to ever again inconvenience a coyote. I mean, come on, whoever it is who set that trap, did you have to place it right there on the edge of the dirt road? Anything could have stepped on it!
I also saw a spectacular Bald Eagle land in one on of the large trees towering over the Esopus levee. I'd never before been so close to one on the East Coast.
I spent the afternoon at KMOCA doing docent duty on the small chance that someone would come by and want to look at the art. I brought Eleanor and Ramona with me, along with soft things for them to lie on. I also brought a laptop and had originally planned to use Backtrack to break into someone's WiFi so I could use the internet, but it turned out that my Compaq laptop cannot be booted from my SD card that has the Backtrack OS installed on it. So I had to work offline. Spending four hours with a computer but no internet distraction meant that the writing for my November 7th entry in this online journal could be somewhat more in-depth than usual. At some point I worried the dogs needed a bathroom break, so I walked them around the block. And when the final hour of my duty arrived, I cracked open one of the leftover IPAs I'd brought to last week's opening. In that environment, it was even boring to drink beer. I did have visitors though; a group of four or five gay men showed up and mostly just ogled the low-relief critter-molecule sculptures, though they also expressed some interest in my copper swing lamp.

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