Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:


January - Arduino Boogie Nights ShopRite Honda Civic Hybrid Javascript Dominican Republic CVS Springs Roosevelt Baths Placid Joe Lake Albany German Shipping Wars Baby RBQ B Little Bear Facebook Badger Home Depot PI Graduation BPI Bible Epigenome Genome Hackintosh

February - LEDs MOCA Hackintoshable Mac Mini Hitler Huey Lewis American Psycho Bachelor Skytop Creationism Uptown Day Russia Whippet Devo Cana Ambien

March - Rush Oberlin Nancy Indian Ray Stone Ridge Japanese Johnny Depp Dark Shadows S XP Crocs Subaru Jason Molina Ball Mills Saugerties Jersey Silver Spring Justice Under Law Washington DC Joyce Kilmer Service Area Microsoft SQL Server

April - Jew Road Buckwild Massachusetts Adobe Photoshop Grand Theft Auto HD Bostom Marathon Shouldered Hawk Flight Denzel Boston LGA Palinville WiFi Hill Eleanor Tivoli City

May - Will Lyttle KMOCA Restaurant Celexa Kleinert West Los Angeles Coburn Moore Oklahoma Liberace

June - Park Red Wedding Game Thrones The Hangover Part III NY PC TV Boitson Raspberry Pi W Bell Show Nigel Cat Portland AtTiny85 Kira

July - City AtTiny Sara Poiron Woods Charlottesville James River Big Fun Place Secret Spot Fording Duke Luxembourg Deborah Bed Bath Beyond Canadian IPA Harmony Remote Westchester

August - Dr Brule Side Orange New Black PA Lua Bleecker Edward Catskills Radio Shack II Pogoplug Breaking Bad

September - Ring Fire Labor Eve Great Sacandaga Adirondacks Dagger Wells Irish Pub Google Sarah Vegan Creek MySQL SQLite Lightroom Momiji Canary Valley MTV Blue Dug Bad

October - Clarence Blues John Denver Pyrenees Lexington Kentucky Youtube Moody Bad Rach Maddow Olive Garden Gravity SDK

November - Ramona Laine Bearsville Theatre British Invasion Abbey Aspergery Ambien North America Staples Westlake Tokyo Echo

December - Kodomo Marshalls Moonshiners Jared Diamond Todd Hoffman Polar Beer Cura Thiel Caribbean Bollywood DVD Chrome