Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   rainy day in January
Tuesday, January 17 2017
At some point today, Gretchen arrived at a agreed price for that recently-foreclosed house on Brewster Street in Kingston: $65,000. It was a bit more than we would've preferred, but if we can make it liveable, the income stream from it should be good. It's only got one bathroom but it has four bedrooms.
Meanwhile, in my remote workplace, our boss Da is in Los Angeles this week for The Organization's management retreat, so I've had to fill in for his management tasks. Today this had me directing tasks to others on the team (after first hacking access to the system) and then running the weekly videochat. Later, I had another video conference with Al, the woman recently hired specifically to be the backend developer for fundraising (something that had been my job, but now I'm wanted in a more generally-backend role). This is because I am the only person in this hemisphere who knows how The Organization's CMS works.
Later tonight after a relaxing bath, I tried deploying the new email server code, and this time it seemed to work flawlessly. It was actually better than flawless; now the email queuing process was now running a little over twice as fast as it had been. That process had been the thing that had been breaking with my new code, and it had forced me into a mild refactoring. My savings were apparently the result of eliminating a bunch of SQL clauses that were already being taken into account in the sending of emails. The code was now simpler and less sprawling, and it put me in a mood to strip unnecessary stuff. It was no longer enough for me to comment-out old code, I had to remove it entirely.
Despite this success, I rolled the code back to the way it had been so I wouldn't take the risk of it fucking up tomorrow during a big mailing. And then I went and tried to explain the enormity of this accomplishment to Gretchen. There was no way for her to know what I'd done, though whatever it was had consumed multiple nights of my life and, as I put it, "If I couldn't do it, nobody could." She was proud in a way that I always fail to be for her big achievements (modeling pride in the accomplishments of others was not something my parents did, and it's a hard thing to learn as an adult).
Meanwhile, it rained most of the day, somewhat heavily at times. It's a little odd to hear rain pouring down onto the roof on a day in January, but these are interesting times.

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