Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   May 2017

01: back to cuddling tightly - It's cool enough that all the critters are cuddling in the bed again.
02: reticulate menorah III - A dump run for an old washing machine and a future bar mitzvah gift.
03: discovering greebling - Also, making sense of Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
04: landlording blues - About everything bad that can happen to a landlord, all in one day.
05: maximum amount of reticulation - Arriving in Pittsburgh the night before a bar mitzvah.
06: bar mitzvah in Pittsburgh - I see my young nephew become a man, though he still looks and sounds like a little boy.
07: Schrödinger's box on that information - A vegan eating breadsticks at the Olive Garden.
08: best concluded in a bathtub - After a day of stressful office politics, I take a bath that does not result in clean hair.
09: frozen food in a toaster oven - It's a possible way to make it edible when dog sitting at the house of someone without a microwave oven.
10: important fractions of my attention - The main problem with buying stuff that turns out to be broken at the thrift store.
11: no motherless babies starving - What it takes for me to intercede in the affairs of nature.
12: exactly where I'd left it - In which I panic about the security of my laptop.
13: pieces of dead theropods - Socializing with non-vegans and talking about matters of prisoner rights and clemency.
14: repairs to a 30 year old guitar amp - I replace some old, noisy potentiometers.
15: a watchable zombie movie - The delicious creepiness and social complexity of The Girl With All the Gifts.
16: Happy Birthday in a minor key - The latest Trump bombshell comes while I'm engrossed in work. And failing to remember the most famously annoying melody ever written.
17: Clarence gets two bells - The bells make sure he gets no rabbits.
18: it's never as bas as it is in Fargo - Our nascent real estate empire has been stressful of late, but it's nowhere near as bad as things are going for the guys running a parking lot empire in third season of Fargo.
19: cutting the top off an oil tank - Meanwhile out on the street, preparations to shoot a movie.
20: code from 33 years ago - I finished cutting up and removing the fuel tank and make a great discovery in an old diary.
21: a number of repellant fragrance issues - Making it smell nicer east of the house and a delightful discovery in an old hand-written diary.
22: what is frontend and what is backend - Also, an enormous amount of scanning of old diary pages.
23: spring lawn mowing - The first mowing of 2017 for me, though down in Old Hurley it looks like Ray has yet to mow his.
24: garlic like leeks - Forgetting to harvest garlic last fall made the pesto tonight extra delicious.
25: great food, terrible service - A wacky dining experience at Mt. Gate Indian Restaurant in Woodstock.
26: treason hotline - After a hard day of amphetamine-fueled web development, it's good to kick back with some marijuana and news of the Trumpocalypse.
27: cottonwood cotton and a gamboling coyote - Cleaning out a garage, shaming a tenant prior to eviction, and experiencing nature in all its wild glory.
28: something of a spouse-pleasing jihad - While Gretchen is off working at the bookstore, I do at least three things I know she will like.
29: disastrous trip we took to North Adams - We take advantage of a house guest and Memorial Day to cross state lines for the night.
30: Neville's leash constipation - Over at Eva & Sandor's place and being walked on a leash, Neville can't find the privacy to move his bowels.
31: a dog named Tupper - After getting a ticket for not wearing a seat belt, I pick up an older border collie who seems disoriented on Wynkoop Road.