Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   July 2017

01: going down on grandma - A tiny house festival and Ray's 50th birthday.
02: like lumpy dark clouds on the western horizon - A good view of the distant Catskills and the Germantown fireworks.
03: silence beneath the treed bear - An effective way to get your dog when he or she has treed a bear: no yelling or even talking. Also, Microsoft abandons the modern office.
04: ephedra and a short lap pool - Entertaining at lunch time and being entertained in the evening.
05: raw tempeh and me - A day of being part of a hive mind followed by a bath and falafel.
06: auto-parts place as last-minute hardware store - When I forget something at Home Depot, it's good that there'a an Advance Auto on my route to one of the rental properties I maintain.
07: a day ruined by cyclobenzaprine - Gretchen takes a muscle relaxer in the morning and then feels terrible for the rest of the day.
08: anachronistic blandness - The continued appeal of a tired old brand like Campbell's Soup.
09: Blair Witching from the bear - After a medical run that ends up being only successful at getting laxatives, I have to retrieve the dogs from the forest yet again, this time in the darkness.
10: that poor poetry site - What happens when you host websites on the server you use to do all your bitTorrenting.
11: Uday Trump reveals all - The day Donald Trump Jr. hit send on an email thread documenting collusion with the Russians.
12: turds have to be made of something - Gretchen likely has Lyme diseas, and thus a course of antibiotics is in order.
13: dark gloomy skies pregnant with portent - Tattooed women and a threat of violence at the Hannaford during the summer carnival.
14: a hastiness that I would be second guessing - Presenting to a crowd across an internet connection under the influence of Vyvanse.
15: summer party 2017 - Despite Lyme disease, Gretchen manages to largely succeed at hosting yet another big summer party.
16: especially badass Arya - Game of Thrones with friends while the dogs play (until they find a rawhide bone).
17: hollow logs and enabled logging - Dogs obsessed with a creature in a hollow tree, Gretchen sick all day, I fix a postfix issue, and Oscar's nice new pelt.
18: haircut of marginal bird utility - I have a productive early morning after being awaken by dogs and later cut my hair. Also, Gretchen is feeling better.
19: the arrival of Janet the Kitten - After two hours of driving, our house contains an adorable little black kitten.
20: too truthful about the absence of grounds - Maybe it's better not to show off multimeter skills to a tenant in an old Victorian house.
21: shortcake birthday in Woodstock - Our houseguest turns 50 while I suffer from sleep deprivation and hangover.
22: car hits ghost - At least this time no dogs had to go to the vet.
23: first katydids of 2017 - I will never stop writing about how ominous that is.
24: a new check engine code - One I'd never seen before, a P0139, probably the result of an oversize capacitor I'd used in my oxygen sensor signal doctoring.
25: vacuuming when you have company - It's not really something one does.
26: parking too cheap - Sometimes the cheapest possible airport parking is not what you want.
27: exhausting to tune in to - Picked up by our driver after somehow getting the visa money out of an ATM machine in Entebbe.
28: Kampala Central Mosque - Also, a visit to a primary school.
29: walking near rhinos - Also, miraculously fixing my laptop in the bush.
30: chemicals don't have to be poisonous - Unwanted insecticide, bad internet, and good buffet food at Paraa Safari Lodge.
31: Murchison Falls wildlife - We see a lot from both a van and a boat.