Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   December 2017

01: a Japanese restaurant for the morbidly obese - Another good restaurant on Kingston's Albany Avenue.
02: here it was in Kingston, NY - Rough Draft: a lovely new bookstore-cum-bar of the sort you might expect in Portland, Oregon.
03: what I'd do to a calculator if I were a student - I'd hide a cellphone in it and have a secret QWERTY arrangement in the keyboard.
04: npm in a git world - How is that supposed to fucking work?
05: warm rainy day in early December - And a dog who might not be free to run around until after the apocalypse.
06: all-natural flow - I don't even need drugs to get there.
07: PDF generation hell - Having to write algorithms for vertical and horizontal centering.
08: late night at the New Paltz Diner - The overnight shift is not where they put their best staff.
09: Gretchen's emergency haircut - Despite the snow, Gretchen makes it to her haircut appointment. And I make a wooden emoji thing and get super-into Google Maps API.
10: too expensive at the thrift store - Deciding I don't really need an obsolete eBook reader for $25.
11: the effectiveness of a news sabbatical - I'm feeling better and getting more done.
12: basic enconomy blues - Gretchen finds out when she tries to check in why our tickets on a United flight were so cheap.
13: just another crazy in Berkeley - Gretchen and I fly to San Francisco and spend our first night in Oakland.
14: hawk versus pigeons at Jack London Square - A day walking around Oakland, California.
15: north to Napa - After becoming fully acquainted with the litter on the sidewalk of MacArthur, we eventually ride with Gretchen's parents north to Napa.
16: epigenetic consequences of Reagan's tax cuts - Tall people at a Napa wedding.
17: basic enconomy blues - Gretchen finds out when she tries to check in why our tickets on a United flight were so cheap.
18: walking a big loop in San Francisco - Over five miles up and down steep streets in a city I mostly know from Grand Theft Auto.
19: Clarence survives Tardilocks - Despite the nastiness and stupidity, and whatever is wrong with his skin, Clarence survived our latest unfortunate housesitter.
20: Neville gets a knee surgery upgrade - He was going to get a cheap experimental procedure, but the vet upgraded him to a system altering the geometry of his knees.
21: Gretchen reveals her pizza secrets - The loss of real pizza is a big problem with going vegan. Gretchen has a solution.
22: Neville's fixed knees - They're fixed, but now he needs to spend the next two months in a corral.
23: technology advancements and how they impact our knee-recovery corrals - It makes less sense to run television cable to the temporary knee-recovery corral because much of what we watch is now hosted locally and available via WiFi to a laptop.
24: peanut butter bone in the recuperation fort - How to keep a bored dog distracted when his knees are healing and you have errands to run.
25: bad Chinese food good movie - For Jewish Christmas, 2017, the food was greasy and flavorless and the movie somehow threaded the needle and was great.
26: Charles on a hot steel stove - Also, down the YouTube lifehacks vortex.
27: calm dogs and a hot stove - What could be better when we're only a week into Neville's four month recovery and there's a blast of artic air outside?
28: ramshackle improvisational quality - How Neville's recuperation fort resembles a homeless encampment.
29: Neville didn't crash the motorcycle - His knees are probably okay after last night's prison escape.
30: largish plastic brachiosaurus - I have a weakness for quality plastic dinousaurs.
31: bored by talk of lignin - New Year's Eve in the recuperation fort.