Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   Neville gets a knee surgery upgrade
Wednesday, December 20 2017
It's not easy getting up early on the East Coast after acclimating (however briefly) to the West. But Gretchen had to do that at 7:30 morning so she could drive Neville up to Pattersonville (just northwest of Albany) for surgery on both his knees. Since he would be the hospitalized for a couple days, she dropped him off and came immediately home. I was still in bed when she got back. I got up soon thereafter and drove out to the Tibetan Center thrift store to find expandable barricades, the kind mostly used for corralling crawling babies. I found two sets of them and two other things that could be used for a similar purpose out in the semi-tarped outdoor area, the place where sad old printers are gradually destroyed by rain and frost. They, along with a foldable measuring stick similar to one I remember from my rural Virginia childhood, came to $10. I did not buy the weather station that projected temperature info on the wall (it didn't seem to work) or the obsolete POS sales terminal (with thermal printer!), though I was tempted.
When I got home, Gretchen was gone, having been forced to take the Subaru (I'd been in the Prius). I'd totally forgotten she had to work today. The only problem with this was that the keys to the bookstore were in the Prius, meaning Gretchen couldn't close. But somehow she worked it out without me having to drive out to Woodstock.
Meanwhile, news from the Neville's surgeon came trickling in all day. The original plan had been for Neville to get a kind of knee repair called "the Ruby." It's a bit experimental but relatively inexpensive. But once the surgeon opened up Neville's leg, he generously opted to, for the same price, go for a more expensive surgery called TTA, which aims to fix knee problems not by doing anything with the tendons but instead by changing the geometry of the knee (it's a theological conundrum that the Good Lord couldn't've done it this way to begin with). The vet also decided that Neville would not need any additional procedure for the luxating patella in one of his knees, which, had it been required, would've been one more knee surgery than Neville has knees.


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