Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   mad pisser strikes again
Saturday, January 6 2018
The unseasonable cold continued today, being somehow even colder than yesterday. It's too cold these days to go to the brownhouse, though in past years I would've braved the elements to go down there anyway. This was why I was sitting on the toilet in the first floor's half bath and wonder what it was Ramona had done during her short, determined excursion into the basement. So when I was done with my business, I went down to the Gunther Room, the northmost bedroom down there and the only destination not behind a closed door (besides the bathroom). Sure enough, there was a wet spot on the carpet, and when I touch it, it was warm. Busted! But there wasn't much I could do about it except close the door to keep her out and, later, dump water into the spot, suck it out with the wet vac, dump more water in, and repeat like ten times (until the urine remaining was but a homeopathic ghost). There was another, older piss stain on the carpet, and I dealt with that too, and I even cleaned up some ancient dried vomit foam from a dyspeptic cat. This is upsetting stuff; a couple months back we paid $200 to a professional carpet cleaner to steam-clean that carpet (and several others) with the hope that whatever scents it had on it would be erased and the marking cycle would end. But some of our area rugs weren't even dry from their steam cleaning before one or more of our cats pissed on them. And now this! Jesus Fucking Christ!
I drank a whole french press of coffee by myself in the recuperation for with the dogs, and though it was great to enjoy my first caffeine since New Year's Day, the feeling was tempered somewhat by a hangover from last night's red-wine-fueled Black Mirror "binge." [REDACTED]
Gretchen returned home from her time in the city at around 5:30pm, and the dogs were so excited that they busted out through the gate of the recuperation fort. But at least they didn't run off into the woods, so no real harm done. I beefed up the gate's latching system with some carbiners at the bottom that could be hooked together in an inflexible linkage, which is much more secure than a bungee cord.

Gretchen had stopped to pick up sandwiches in the Cinnamon Snail (now in the Penn Station rat maze!), so we could eat delicious gourmet vegan comfort food while catching up on Jeopardy and Stephen Colbert's hilarious monologues on The Late Show.

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