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   recuperation teevee
Tuesday, April 10 2018 [REDACTED]

Whatever illness Gretchen contracted on the boat in Europe continues to plague her, and she's been mostly lying around watching teevee, occasionally lapsing into fits of tuberculosic coughing. Listening to an episode of Fresh Air on the drive back from the airport, we'd heard about about an animated comedic sitcom called Big Mouth, which I downloaded the moment we got back (not that it matters to me, but it's a Netflix production). Gretchen has taken advantage of her illness to binge-watch the show, and I occasionally stop to watch for a few minutes as I'm passing through the teevee room. The conceit is that we're back in middle school and our characters are dealing with the rush of puberty. Everyone is plagued by their personal "hormone monster" (which is a real suite of characters, which vary according to the person affected). These hormone monsters try to get the characters to act on terrible impulses, which they usually don't do. The most hilarious of the hormone monsters is the one that momentarily afflicts the washed-up gym teacher. A woman says something to him that hasn't been said to him in a long time and poof there's his hormone monster, a shambling elderly man whose speach is entirely unintelligible.

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