Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   sleepy time options
Monday, April 16 2018
Spring keeps being snatched away after being tantalizingly dangled in front of our faces. This morning there a mushy snow on the ground, and it grew mushier as the day wore on due to cold April showers. There daffodils and singing birds and even (in the house at least) the occasional mosquito, but winter isn't going to be laughed off stage so easily.
This morning I had the last of the breaded eggplant as a topping on a matzo pizza. It was delicious.


Yesterday (and perhaps a little today) I listened to clips of late-Romantic and 20th Century classical music in an effort to better acquaint myself with it. The realization (and I suppose I really should've known all along) that much of contemporary music has clear origins in the edgier work of these composers makes me want to listen and understand.

This evening I went to bed early under the effects of 50 milligrams of diphenhydramine. Happily, recently Gretchen had gotten her prescription for ambien refilled, so I'm now able to choose from several different sleep-inducing chemicals. I just have to be careful with using a computer while under the influence of ambien, as it can make me do things that embarrass me later.
Meanwhile Gretchen, who has had a sore shoulder for days (as well as lingering symptoms from whatever she developed on the Danube) managed to knock herself out this evening with a muscle relaxer given to her by Kate yesterday at the Stravinsky concert.

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