Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   sunflowers in the garden
Thursday, August 29 2019
Gretchen was doing landlady work today and happened to stop by a Burger King, where she bought us both vegan Whoppers. This used to be an impossible order but was recently made possible by a new option Burger King added to its Whopper possibilities: the Impossible Burger. To keep the burger vegan, you have to be sure to refuse cheese and decline mayonnaise. Though cold, the Whopper was pretty good, especially when spiced up with some slices of carrot pepper from the garden.
While we're on the subject of the garden, I should mention that the "Giganteus strain" sunflowers I'd planted somewhat late in the summer (from seeds I'd bought at Adams, I think) have finally produced flowers. These sunflowers are different from the ones we used to grow. Their blooms and leaves are much smaller, though their stems are about as tall. The old sunflowers had germinated from some seeds someone had given Gretchen back in the early in the 2000s (circa 2004) and I'd planted them every year, harvested a few seeds, and planted them the next year. In recent years, though, the seeds stopped germinating, and I was forced to buy these other seeds. Fortunately, we did freakishly get a couple volunteer sunflowers this year that seem to be from that older strain, so hopefully I can get a few of the seeds from that before the birds eat them all.

This evening I took an unusually large 150 milligram dose of diphenhydramine an hour before going to bed. When it kicked in as I watched my customary bedtime YouTube videos, it felt good to be so hungry to close my eyes.

Coming home, heading west across the Hudson today. Those mountains are the Catskills. Click to enlarge.

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