Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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   parking & charging
Thursday, August 19 2021

Gretchen would be taking her first airplane flight today so she could visit Portland, Oregon for the first time since well before the coronavirus pandemic. So on my way to work today (in the Subaru), I stopped at the Red Hook Hannaford for some snacks to eat in the office and a few other things to eat at the house while Gretchen is away. One of those things was kombucha, which I know food stamps refuses to pay for because it contains a trace of alcohol. I realized this as I walked up to the automatic checkout and wondered if kombucha can even be sold before 8:00am (given its supposed alcohol content and New York's laws designed to twart alcoholics with a failure to plan ahead). But no, there's no problem with buying kombucha before 8:00am in New York State. This means that the Hannaford product database has a more complex organization than having one category for alcoholic products.
The office internet was working poorly right from the start. The work I was doing was all local, but occasionally I needed to do a Google search to find out something about C#. Eventually I tired of the situation and began my drive back home.
On the way, I swung through the village to stop at the Red Hook CVS for pseudoephedrine. They didn't have any of the generic stuff I prefer, so I ended up having to buy actual name-brand Sudafed, and it came in big stupid time-release tablets. Sometimes society feels like it's in line with my preferences (the IPA revolution, millennials not liking to talk on phones or drive cars, the resurgence of non-synth pop music in the 1990s, avocado toast, cannabis legalization) and sometimes I feel like it isn't (high-waisted trousers, pop music back in the 1980s, and the SUV craze). Time-release Sudafed is an example of the latter.
Gretchen began her drive to the Newark airport at around 3:00pm. She took the Chevy Bolt and will be using a parking service that promises to have it charged when she returns from Portland. That's an easy and straight-forward service to offer, and yet supposedly this was the only parking service near Newark offering it.


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