WE BUY ATVS Thursday, November 4 2021
I had a pretty typical Thursday, complete with a burrito from Bubby's, though, despite it being sunny, it was a little cold for eating outside, so I brought it back to the office and devoured it in front of my computer. I almost always park next to the hatched-out non-space beside a handicap parking space near the office, and sometimes I allow my car to intrude a little into the hatches. My boss Alex saw my parking and asked (in his usual sardonic way) "You call that a parking job?" "Good enough," I sneered.
I'd done some research and knew that Cryo Tek-100 antifreeze was still available at Lowe's, though it was an expensive $25/gallon (which might actually be a good price considering that it can be effectively diluted). On the way there after work, I saw a new kind of sign stapled to utility poles. I was familiar with the WE BUY HOUSES flyers (as if finding someone to buy a house in Kingston is difficult!) that have been posted on poles along 9W for years. But the sign I saw today said "WE BUY ATVS." It's hard to imagine how down on one's luck one would have to be to see a sign like that and think, "Wow, that might be my lifeline!" But there are still a lot of low-information and deluded people out there. How else to explain the hundreds who showed up te other day in Dallas really thinking they would witness the resurrection of both John F. Kennedys?
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