game of telephone with a somewhat unreliable narrator Tuesday, November 9 2021
On the drive home from work, I stopped at Home Depot for yet more cabin supplies. I needed a bunch of outlet and switch covers for the wiring I'd done at the cabin as well as one by six planks for baseboard trim, mostly in the upstairs bedroom. I also wanted to transport some more pressure-treated ten foot two by sixes to cut up into dock decking. Unfortunately, Home Depot didn't have any dry pressure-treated two by sixes of the right size, so I only got six of them due to weight concerns. I also got six twelve foot one by sixes, four standard kiln-dried two by fours (to build a framework to support a large flexible solar panel), and a wide two by ten to be cut into steps (for a possible stairway to help dogs at the cabin who want to climb up into a proper bed). I also got enough plumbing to make the modifications I wanted to make to the cabin's hydronics plumbing. I'd planned to get proper PEX crimpers and fittings to be crimped, but it was much cheaper (and easier) to just install SharkBite fittings, particularly in the place where I will be adding a tap for pouring in antifreeze on the second floor). I tied all thise down securely to the Subaru's roof rack, since it would have to be there for the two hour drive to the cabin.
For dinner tonight we ate leftover calzones, and after Jeopardy! we watched two episodes of Squid Game. Gretchen would've watched a third one (the last one) but I'd had enough teevee by that point, and I wanted to copy a Windows 10 volume from my computer Tenrec (which I brought back from the office today) to a new (well, technically used) M.2 SSD I'd installed in my work-issued laptop. M.2 drives are tiny, and if I can eliminate a drive from the SATA bay in that computer, it would open up a lot of room inside for other fun electronics, such as a USB hub and various USB gadgets.
Gretchen said she talked to my brother Don several times today. (He was celebrating his 57th birthday alone.) Apparently our mother Hoagie has started enjoying her hospital stay, where she claimed (to Don) that she has been dancing to music. I suspect any pleasure she is experiencing is a direct result of the ativan she is being given. Don also said that the doctors have a theory that her mental confusion is likely a result of the breakdown of muscle tissue due to disuse. That seemed like a bad theory; Hoagie gets a fair amount of exercise for a woman her age. She walks back and forth between the house and Creekside, which is further than many elderly people venture, and she also goes out to the goat pasture at least once a day to feed the horses. Several months ago she was occasionally jogging up and down Stingy Hollow Road and probably still does. But who know what the story really is; it's all a game of telephone with a somewhat unreliable narrator in the chain.
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