a moment's impatience Monday, November 29 2021
location: rural Hurley Township, Ulster County, NY
Towards the end of the day, I thought maybe I'd make chili. So I started cooking some brown rice in the Instant Pot and fried up a pan of tofu, red onions, and some sort of slightly long-in-the-tooth boutique mushrooms. Ultimately, I never actually made chili; I just left this fried stuff in the pan for use however anyone wanted to. I later added some red beans and wrapped it in a wholewheat lavash to make a burrito that instantly disintegrated. As for the rice, even after 20 minutes of pressure cooking, it was still pretty much like bird seed. I pressure cooked it for ten more minutes, and it was no better. At around this time, I mixed up a small batch of thinset in a disposable pie pan and used this to fill all the divots in the concrete floor of Powerful's room. Most of these had come from extracting the nails that had held the carpet tack strips.
Meanwhile, Gretchen hadn't come home at the usual time, so I looked at her calendar and saw that she was dining with Natalie tonight. She'd told me and I'd forgotten. So I went upstairs to take a nice hot bath. Before bed, I went back down to Powerful's room intent on spraying pest-control spray-foam into gaps beneath the trim where I'd detected mouse activity. But I was a bit too hasty in removing the nozzle part from the cap, where it was held by a thin membrane of shrunken plastic. In so doing, I broke the nozzle in a way that I couldn't repair (though I tried to weld it to the straw in the a stove-top flame). Without any substitute, I tried improvising a solution that immediately came apart as I was applying the spray, getting that horrible foam all over my hands. I then spent something like a half hour doing what I could to remove it using paint thinner and then soap and water, but after all that there was still plenty attached to my fingers when I went to bed. The lesson here was clear: a moment's impatience can sometimes result in a substantial penalty.
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