Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   a pathological level of self-regard
Saturday, June 8 2024

location: 940 feet west of Woodworth Lake, Fulton County, NY

There's been continued erosion from the terrain near the northeast and even southeast corners of the cabin, and yesterday during a downpour I could see why: the downspouts were apparently clogged again. So late this morning at some point I unclogged those downspouts to buy me more time before I have to build a stone retaining wall near the northeast corner (where I haven't wanted to do much work until after a nearby nest of baby phoebes fledges). The terrain near the southeast corner has much less relief, so the main thing that needed to happen there was for the ground to get covered by plants with a fast-growing tightly-knit root system. So I grabbed some clumps of forest soil containing whatever the early-succession species of fern is that pops up automatically in just-cleared building sites and planted a bunch of that on the barren sand. Hopefully that will bond nicely with the ground before the southeast downspout clogs again.
Today was cooler and rainier than it had been yesterday. Conditions were so unpleasant for much of the day that we didn't spend much time outside. At some point this afternoon, Gretchen crawled back into bed and took a nap. Our cabin is so sound proof that she slept right through some annoying gunfire from what we call "the redneck camp" a quarter mile away on Woodworth Lake Road. In the late afternoon, though, the sun came out and things were cheerful enough for us to want to go down to the dock. By then the sun had set on the dock, meaning that if Gretchen had tried to go for a swim she would've emerged from the water into shade. So she just did stretching exercises on the dock while I took a kayak out into the outflow bay and back. Meanwhile there were a number of people at the public dock, probably people from the redneck camp. They appeared to be fishing from the shore.

Later this evening, went up to my loft workstation in the cabin and put some effort into building out a few more features in the dynamically-added sensors functionality of my remote control system. I'd added a way to add common digital sensors, but I also wanted a way to dynamically add sensors that communicate in analog on a GPIO used as an analog input (either on the ESP8266 itself or on a slave). I figured I had all the information I needed to specify such inputs; I just needed to declare a new sensorType. In order to specify what environmental data (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.) the pin represents, I decided to use the existing sensorSubType feature (which I'd originally implemented only to differentiate the various kinds of DHT sensors). I didn't have a great way to test this code once I was done, but I was happy enough with it for the time being.
I then added support for additional sensors to the little web page each ESP8266 running my remote control software serves. This page allows users to turn output features on and off and shows live data from the single config-supported sensor, and I wanted it to show live data from all the sensors.

This evening Gretchen cooked up a pan of kale cooked in vinegar with roasted garlic. We then spread homemade hummus on rustic Mexican tortillas, added the kale, and it made for pretty good multicultural tacos.

Later this evening, I went down several rabbit holes as I lapped up the Dunning-Kruger spectacle resulting from a recent appearance of Terrence Howard on the Joe Rogan Experience. Anyone with a basic understanding of reality can tell that Howard is a bullshitter with a pathological level of self-regard. But Joe Rogan, who must be very stupid, takes Howard's word salad as evidence of brilliance. Among the deeply misinformed things Terrence Howard says is that "one times one should be two." This would imply that people with square plots of land measuring one mile on a side actually own two square miles. This doesn't survive even a tiny amount of consideration, and yet there are people who think Howard is on to something here.

A view from our dock to the boathouse on Woodworth Lake. Click to enlarge.

Flowers on the west shoreline of Woodworth Lake. The purplish one is a native iris. Click to enlarge.

Charlotte on the dock today. Click to enlarge.

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