Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   July 2024

01: more dead fawn hijinks - A rotting animal is dragged into the living room.
02: too dry for chanterelles - A second day of attempting harvesting results in almost none. Also, Neville takes a nice soak in a swamp.
03: the dilapidated Gulleys Trail - Numerous treefalls and even erosion have made it a much harder way to walk through the forest.
04: longest way through the Catskills - From east to west through the widest part on the way to Rochester.
05: weird Ethiopian food - Mostly a day of eating food and not doing too much. Note: pre-cut injera is a terrible idea.
06: mostly-dreary Rochester real estate - But at least the day ends with pizza!
07: on a motorboat in Lake Ontario - We go swimming some distance from shore. And then Gretchen and I drive to the cabin.
08: not-quite-working code merge - At the cabin, trying to get remote features into my SolArk copilot.
09: fast drive on the scenic route - A normally two hour and twenty minute drive happens in just two hours.
10: digesting a mulberry branch - Cleaning up after a minor natural mishap.
11: a ladder I couldn't take - Preparing for a drive by myself to the cabin in the Forester, there was one item that nature refused to let me bring with me.
12: 500 pounds of lumber on a roof rack - The key is to drive carefully.
13: Trump almost assassinated - But no, he just gets a bloody ear.
14: barefoot ladies at the point of bifurcation - We take our friend Gilly on a short canoe ride.
15: 85 miles on 44 miles of range - The Chevy Bolt's mileage math appeared to get confused.
16: horsefly season is not quite over - Though the dog days seem to have commenced.
17: sleeping in the Shaque at my abandoned childhood home - Visiting my brother at Creekside, I decide I can sleep in the old Shaque. The only real problem with this plan is a lack of potable water.
18: possible last visit to my still-living mother - She can still assemble seemingly-coherent sentences, but her model of reality is a complete mess.
19: a grave for the undead - My mother is still alive, but my brother Don starts digging a hole to put her in when she dies.
20: reading on a rainy day in Bearsville - For some reason I tagged along.
21: there goes Sleepy Joe - Biden is out of the presidential race and I make a charting module for a reporting system.
22: a few canterelles for my tacos - Another hike up the Chamomile Headwaters Trail. Also, syntax coloring in my newest reporting system.
23: rain brings the canterelles - After heavy rains last night, I knew the chanterelles would be more numerous.
24: tenantification - Making the multiuser functionality in my remote control system more useful.
25: can't outrun the mental fog - After failing to write a report while in the bathtub, I figured my reporting system really needs JSON and SQL validation.
26: people a little more iike us on the lake - Not everyone goes to the lake just to make loud noises and kill things.
27: fire beind the boulder at the lake - A guest brings a paddleboard and, later, we go down to the lake after dark and build a fire.
28: up in a tree above the dock - Using a handy foldable saw I stole from my senile mother.
29: first production hard drive failure - My media drive now only lets me use it for about 30 seconds at a time.
30: business rules for a business that doesn't exist - Nearing the end of my tinkering with cabin-related remote software.
31: smoothing out the jags - A productive conversation with ChatGPT and successfully getting data off a failing hard drive.