Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   little vegan corndogs
Monday, October 7 2024

location: 940 feet west of Woodworth Lake, Fulton County, NY

I'd decided to spend an extra night at the cabin this weekend, since I didn't have any reason to get back to Hurley until 4:00pm today. This morning after drinking my coffee, I took the dogs for a relatively short walk down the Lake Edward Trail as far as the big split rock, and then south several hundred feet to the majestic Porcupine Cliffs. I went around those to the south and then through the now-dry woodland pond northeast of the cliffs and then back to the Lake Edward Trail via the remains of a provisional trail I'd made back in the Spring and then back uphill to the cabin. It was enough of a walk for Charlotte, whose paw seemed much better, and plenty for Neville as well, who walked (as he often does) slowly but steadily for the entire hike.
Back at the cabin, I did some measuring and counting and determined that there were enough leftover larch clapboard planks from the building of the cabin to build a ceiling of that material over the screened-in porch. Otherwise we have to look at the underside of the OSB roof decking, the only exposed OSB anywhere at the cabin.
After that, I spent a good amount of time cleaning up, since I tend to be a bit of a slob when I'm at the cabin by myself. I was on the road southbound well before noon.

Back home in Hurley, Gretchen was off at work and I had a couple hours to kill before I had to got to VanKleeck's Tire to get the Bolt inspected and have its tires rotated. I found myself eating some delicious inch-long balls that Gretchen had set out in a bowl for me. They were essentially little vegan corndogs.

It took about a half hour for the work to get done at Van Kleeck's, and it only came to $10. I then went to Adam's Fairacre Farms to get pizza making supplies and fresh produce. And then I went to Home Depot to buy some gas plumbing (to fix a very slow leak in the gas line supplying the cabin's generator) as well as a nail gun of some sort to help me do the porch ceiling project alluded to above. But I couldn't find any power nailing equipment at Home Depot at all (and I'm not the kind of person who asks). On the drive back home, I noticed the Bolt was now shuddering when I drove about 55 miles per hour or a little faster, and I suspected this had something to do with the tire rotation.

Back at the house, Gretchen returned soon after I did and immediately switched hats and resumed volunteer work for the New York Abortion Access Fund, as this was one of her volunteer weeks. Meanwhile, I made a spaghetti dinner in my usual way, searing up a pan of tempeh, crimini mushrooms, and a salvaged red onion that most people would've thrown out.

I ended up drinking a little too much by myself in the laboratory while watching YouTube videos.

The big Split Rock landmark on the Lake Edward Trail. Click to enlarge.

Porcupine Cliffs viewed from some distance away through the trees. Click to enlarge.

Neville keeping on plowing ahead. Click to enlarge.

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