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Like my brownhouse:
   Gretchen sees the big rock in the shallow valley
Friday, October 18 2024

location: 940 feet west of Woodworth Lake, Fulton County, NY

Despite the lump of cannabis I'd eaten last night, I somehow managed to drink a bit too much last night. I got out of bed with some difficulty this morning and initially felt perfectly normal. But later in the day I had several twangs that felt like severe hangover. Otherwise, though, the hangover (such as it was) wasn't too bad.
I took the dogs for a relatively short loop at around noon. We went down to the dock via the Mossy Rock Trail and then went along the lakeshore trail to near the bifurcation. I continued along the base of the hill to the state land boundary and then scrambled up the steep hillside to the old dock trail, which I followed back to the cabin.

Gretchen arrived around 2:00pm, having stopped in Albany on the way to get bagels at Pearl's Bagels. I'd eaten a bagel for breakfast and wasn't initially hungry enough to eat something so rich and fancy, although while Gretchen was off at the lake to enjoy the beautiful day down there, I eventually devoured one of the two fancy bagel sandwiches Gretchen had gotten for me.
Later this afternoon, after Gretchen returned from the dock, we all (including Neville and Charlotte) went for a walk that I came up with based on other recent walks. We walked down the Lake Edward Trail a little past Quarterway Brook and then took a right, heading north and then northwestward. We soon came upon the large rock at the bottom of a valley I'd first seen back on September 29th. From there, we kept going northwestward until we arrived at the West Bifurcation Creek, though unfortunately we arrived at it upstream of all the crazy things I want to show Gretchen (such as the cliffs near its mouth and the pile of boulders it flows beneath a little above that). Our parcel wasn't far upstream from where we encountered it. We followed it upstream past the bifurcation and along the Woodworth Lake shoreline to the oldest of dock trails, the one that reaches the lakeshore trail a couple hundred feet north of our dock, and followed that back to the cabin.

Later Gretchen made a meal of some sort of chick pea & tahiti glurp to be eaten with soft corn tortillas. I was still pretty full from the bagel and only managed to eat one.
After dark, I went out to look for the comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, but the western horizon was too cluttered with trees, even from the lookout rock. Had it been later in the season, though, the western horizon would've probably been visible enough.
After 150 mg of diphenhydramine kicked in, I was feeling sleepy enough for bed at 8:15pm. [REDACTED]

Charlotte and Neville on our front entrance deck as we leave for the first walk of the day. Charlotte is so excited she's yipping at me like a jackal. Click to enlarge.

Panoramic view of the lake and my pajama bottoms from our dock around noon today. Click to enlarge.

New beaver activity south of the outflow bay today. There's a coffee cup there for scale, showing the beaver was removing bark more than three feet above the ground. There's also a new beaver skid trail nearby. Click to enlarge.

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