Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   authentic grit
Friday, December 13 2024
A few days ago we closed on that beautiful house in Rochester, so today the plan was for Gretchen to drive all the way across New York to visit the house and hopefully rent it to a prospective renter. Before she left, though, Gretchen decided to process a bunch of vegetables she'd bought earlier in the week. The most interesting fruit of this processing was an asparagus soup with orzo. It was only about 1:00pm when she finished making it, and she'd also made a hearty salad, so Gretchen declared it dinner time, and we ate it while watching an episode of Jeopardy! (the one where the straight guy who wears a lot of makeup went down to defeat by a man of partially Japanese heritage who looks like a Lego character). That asparagus soup was amazing, by the way.
Not long after Gretchen left on her multi-hour cross-state drive, I drove to the Uptown Hannaford mostly to get beer, though I also got two quarts of orange juice and a bag of granola (after recently deciding that granola eaten without anything else is the perfect breakfast food for me). I then went to Herzogs, where I bought a plastic boiler tap with the hope of possibly using it as a drainable plug on the drain trap in the cabin kitchen. While there, I also got a roll of freezer tape, as I've been unable to find masking tape in a reasonable (non-multi-inch) width. (I mostly use masking tape to cover finger injuries, much as other people would use Band-Aids, and it's such a frequent need that I want to make sure I have a roll of suitable tape at the cabin.) There was a Kingston Police car parked near my Forester this whole time, which made me feel safe leaving it unlocked with a 12 pack of VooDoo Ranger Juice Force IPA in it near that Ghettoford bus stop with all its squirrely people waiting for a bus. (Anyone looking for some authentic grit in their next movie should definitely go there to cast people.) My final stop while in town was at JK's Liquor to get a half gallon of Gary's Good Gin, which is the kind of gin I prefer.
Back at the house, I watched episodes of Season 5 of Alone while boozing it up. I'd taken a completely recreational 150 mg dose of pseudoephedrine earlier, meaning I could've boozed it up bad. So to prevent myself from having a hangover tomorrow, I took one of Gretchen's xanaxes at around 6:00pm. I don't usually take them, as she has yelled at me for taking them in the past. But when I saw how many were in the bottle, I thought there was no way she would notice one was missing. The evening ended with me waking up on the beanbag and noticing that I'd just spilled a drink all over one of my arms.

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