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Elly's Slice of Cyberpie
Classic Elly Jordaan Journal Entries
Notes: If you're on an IP address in the fred.net or tscnet.net domains, you'll need to go here first (unless you just went there). It's slow but it works.
Many of these entries are archived locally here in my website; in September, 1997 Elly deleted all her journal entries, and I've restored many from the Internet Archive using the Alexa service. Such restored entries (and the entries of others restored from the archive) are indicated with *. Other pages stored within my site are indicated with *.
If you love this stuff, why not sign Elly's Guestbook.
- *Sep 15, 1996: personal problems with a guy from meatspace
- *Sep 16, 1996: is guessing an obvious password really "hacking"?
- *Sep 18, 1996: more bitching about Patrick the hacker
- *Sep 28, 1996: the tragedy of teenage bandwidth bandits
- *Oct 08, 1996: discovers 800 by 600 resolution and the honeymoon with Fishnet.com continues
- *Oct 20, 1996: stolen graphic crisis
- *Nov 01, 1996: kicked out of a ring for lack of frames
- *Dec 06, 1996: her site does not win an award
- *Dec 22, 1996: turned down for a Christian link
- *Dec 30, 1996: her site is "hacked" by a mystery hacker
- *Jan 02, 1997: email war with the ISP
- *Jan 07, 1997: angry at Internic and Fishnet.com
- *Jan 08, 1997: she vanquishes Fishnet.com
- *Jan 12, 1997: a former husband's page resurfaces at Fishnet.com
- *Jan 24, 1997: paying the $3000 phone bill for calls to cyber fiancé Rudy
- *Feb 02, 1997: on snuffing sick birds
- *Feb 04, 1997: discovers MIDI and finds them "cheesy"
- *Feb 07, 1997: may have to go over the Sysadmin's head to get a cgi script
- *Feb 18, 1997: still no cgi script and musings about how to speed up her pages' load times
- *Feb 20, 1997: finally, the cgi scripts and also the founding of Netizens Against Rudeness in Cyberspace (NARC)
- *Mar 05, 1997: her 39th birthday; Internic loses her payment
- *Mar 08, 1997: non-bird pages applying for Feathered Perfection Award, Christians applying for Heavenly Page Award
- *Mar 12, 1997: threatens to call ISPs of Christian harassers
- *Mar 15, 1997: Al Schroeder gives praise
- *Mar 17, 1997: trouble with Rudy
- *Mar 18, 1997: her page is labeled "not quite so good"
- *Mar 26, 1997: breaking up with Rudy, she tears up her site
- *Apr 05, 1997: the thing with Cardigan heats up
- *Apr 09, 1997: polyamory and sex
- *Apr 12, 1997: she swipes calendars from noble, polyamorous Cardigan
- *Apr 15, 1997: rejection from Archipelago
- *Apr 16, 1997: irate at Lucy Huntzinger
- *Apr 17, 1997: more anger at Lucy
- *Apr 18, 1997: calls Gabby Hon pretentious
- *Apr 19, 1997 (Cardigan's Journal): Cardigan quits Archipelago in support of Elly
- *Apr 25, 1997: discovers an online genius
- *May 25, 1997: not really a classic (Elly discovers that her medical problem is a bloodclot in her leg), but it's one of the few entries still available in the Internet Archive from jetlink.net. (Here I preserve the original formatting of her page.)
- Jun 14, 1997: Hortense crisis
- Jun 16, 1997: more problems with Hortense
- Jun 17, 1997: discovers Hortense is Gus
- *Jun 20, 1997: an archived anti-Gus outburst
- *Jun 21, 1997: another archived anti-Gus outburst
- Jun 21, 1997: very mad at Gus
- Jul 12, 1997: suspects she's been hacked again
- Jul 30, 1997: nifty way of banning Guses
- Jul 31, 1997: flame war over copyright
- Aug 01, 1997: more copyright flame war
- Aug 02, 1997: angry at Turtle
- Aug 03, 1997: filth in her guestbook
- *Aug 14, 1997: not really a classic (complaints about Mr. Potty Mouth and lots of award banter that now means nothing), but it's one of the few entries still available in the Internet Archive from jetlink.net. (Here I preserve the original formatting of her page.)
- Aug 30, 1997: awards mutually given and yanked, Rudy's sexy phone voice, mother takes a spill, and tossing the guestbook because of the filth it attracted
- Aug 31, 1997: Chuck Atkins receives an award from Elly and then dramatically rejects it, and she responds by unleashing the NARCs
other fun Elly stuff
- Elly hires a pet psychic to channel her dead bird's spirit (recommended by Gregory).
Elly was born on March 5th, 1958. She has red hair and suffers from bipolar (manic/depressive) syndrome. Her hobbies include working on her website, tending her exotic bird collection, and fraternizing with her fiancé, Rudy, who lives approximately 10,000 miles away and whom she has never physically met. No pictures of her are available at this time.
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