October 8, 1996:

Dear Diary:

Weather today -- overcast, looks like rain :)
Mood today -- resigned to having a LOT of work to do in the next few days
Fly count for yesterday -- 2
HF Today -- 50%

I mentioned yesterday what a webaholic I am, and look what a wonderful man by the name of David Akerley sent me:
David has a very cool page, with lots of sophisticated HTML programming. Click here to visit his page. Be sure to check out his son, Justin's page, too! What a cutey! Thanks so much for the cool Webaholics logo, David!

I need to thank another knight in shining armor who read my plea for custom graphics and came through with not one or two, but FIVE! Wow! Terry Gould of Webstrands has a marvelous collection of graphics. Be sure to check his work out!

Elly loves her ISP. Check out:

FishnetFishnet Internet Services

They're in the process of putting in fibre optic lines, converting to T3, etc. The only technical support person I've ever found who actually speaks ENGLISH, Adam Charron of Fishnet, told me things are really gonna fly with the new lines and the additional T3 servers (I think that's what he called them!) they're putting in. AND they're going to be adding 200 more modems over the next year or so. Get this: I pay $15 a month for unlimited access through Fishnet. Not too shabby, huh?

Okay, I'm a computer idiot. I'm the first to admit it. I got to talking with a friend last night, and she informed me that I'm missing out big time by having my monitor set to 640x480 resolution. So I changed it to 800x600. Whoa! BIG difference. I like this higher resolution, but it means every one of my pages needs some adjusting. I've already received email from folks looking at these pages in Microsoft Explorer telling me things don't line up right. Now I have to worry about what resolutions everyone is using. You know what? I'm gonna fix everything so it's the way *I* like it. That means these pages are going to look best if you're using Netscape 3.0 Gold and 800x600 resolution. If you're not, please don't complain to me. Download Netscape instead. :)

I grabbed the Crescendo plug-in this morning. I've never been a fan of audio with my computer applications. Back in the days when my main computer usage centered around playing games, I found the sound to be distracting so I always opted to turn it off. Then .wav files came along, and those seemed pretty obnoxious, too. But now I'm seeing where everyone is going to the midi thing, so I guess I'll give it a shot (if I can figure out how Crescendo works!).

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Copyright 1997 Elaine M. Jordaan

This page last updated May 4, 1997