John packs his shit - Thursday June 21 2001

John claims it was some handmade cheese he ate the other night that finally convinced him to move to New York. Evidently this cheese had been made by a small shop in the Brooklyn and eating it made John nostalgic for a place where people make things with their hands instead of their mouths. So today John got a bunch of boxes and began packing his stuff. I came home for lunch and he was there taking his paintings off the wall while Chun chirped away into her cell phone. It was a profoundly depressing thing to see.
Not even wanting to imagine living with anyone else, I tried again to list my house at Westside Rentals, the online tenant-landlord matching service. According to John (via AIM), I began getting telephone queries almost immediately. This greatly bolstered my confidence and lifted me out of my funk. You know, I don't really have to stay in Los Angeles if it's this easy to rent out my house.

Today was the longest day of the year, and in the extended twilight John, Chun, Maria and I all walked to Rubios on Wilshire for dinner. I was feeling a little ill, like I might be coming down with a head cold, and all I really wanted was lemonade.
Back at the house I started consolidating my computer equipment into easier-to-handle packages. The Discovery Channel was on the teevee, but the material being covered was mostly goofy pseudoscientific stuff like extra-sensory perception and the fabled lost city of Atlantis. Man, I hate it when the Discovery Channel feels the need to cater to stupid people with such junky programming. People who are interested in that sort of thing need to start watching Jerry Springer and quit fucking up my favorite channel. The Discovery Channel is, after all, an educational resource, and as such needs to take more of a leadership position, disabusing people of their folksy unscientific notions instead of encouraging them. I feel the same way about politicians, by the way. I think politicians should have to get a certain score on a general science exam before they qualify to run for office.

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