Europe, January 2002

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051_severin 061_metro 062_metro 067_clunyhorse
St. Severin Metro Metro Cluny
070_cluny_eyegouge 075_judasheads 078_romancapital 081_gus_cluny
Cluny Judah Heads Roman capital Cluny
082_paris_pantheon 088_paris_pantheon 089_carnot 090_hugo
Panthéon Panthéon Carnot Victor Hugo
092_insidenotredame 095_insidenotredame 098_gusnotredame 102_pamplemousse
Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Pamplemousse
107_rock 114_rock 115_scorpion 116_eiffle
live karaoke live karaoke the Scorpion Eiffel Tower