Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   feast normally unavailable
Saturday, January 14 2006
Ray and Nancy, our friends from Brooklyn, came up from the City with their dog Suzy to spend the long Martin Luther King holiday weekend. They made us a fancy dinner of several Indian dishes (dot not feather) and Tillsons came with an additional Indian dish, making for a feast normally unavailable in our region (except in Red Hook, and, for inflated prices, New Paltz).
Meanwhile I'd begun assembling one of the complexes of pipes for my heat exchanger. The available space in the boiler room is limited, so to better cram in all the little pieces, I'd decided to place most of the hydronic loop essentials in the inevitable length of pipe that ended up running parallel to the heat exchanger. When I was done making it, I pressurized it to 40 psi using a hose hooked up to the household water supply. Soon the leaks appeared, as always at the threaded connections on either side of the air scoop. They were very slow, of course, but I still had to deal with them. Happily, though, I'd obtained a roll of new pink-colored teflon tape this afternoon on the way back from a house call in Redhook, and it was perfect for making genuinely leak-free threaded connections. In general, though, leak-free threaded plumbing connections are so difficult to attain that I usually solder them instead. In this case I couldn't because the air scoop is made of cast iron.

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