Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   war in the backyard
Friday, February 13 1998

essika came by to get her stuff and say goodbye. Today was the day she returned to Malvernia. I was feeling nasty with hangover and wasn't to get out of bed for hours yet.

I did eventually get on my bike, get an order of Amoco fries and a quart of grapefruit juice. Then I went to UVA to check my email. A lack of an ISP connection is getting old really fast, but at least I'm no longer wasting my time surfing the web. All you online journal keepers should note that I've completely stopped reading your journals, even the good ones. Maybe I'll catch up tomorrow, but then, maybe not. I have to go upload this entry at some point after all. I'm getting exercise again at least.

After my errands, I took a bath and a series of naps. I didn't feel like doing anything except sleeping and masturbating. One of the good things about hangover is that it really improves the quality of orgasms. It's like marijuana that way.

I kept mulling over some changes I need to make to my life. I need a job, I know that, but I also need to restructure my future. The only real thing in my future right now is my road trip with, uh, Jessika, and I'm wondering if that's a good idea. I think I might go insane after only a week on the road. That's just this feeling I have now after this last visit. It's not really a problem with her as a person, it's more about the nature of our relationship. I'm wondering to myself why I'm committing to long range plans with someone in a way I've never done before in my life. It's kind of like a marriage, without most of the fun stuff. Perhaps Allen of heinovision is right, road trips are things you're supposed to do with other guys.

Emperor Penguins mate for life. I wonder what their pornography would be like?

Jessika's father saw a picture of Jessika sitting next to Nancy Firedrake and asked "who's that dyke?" Jessika's mother is an avid reader of Nancy's journal.


  bought an 18 pack of Budweiser for Matthew Hart tonight. He was hanging out with Sarah Kleiner, who had dropped by. We of Kappa Mutha Fucka all need friends to come by and take us out of the house or else we whither and fade socially and emotionally. Sarah to Matthew to see a group of musicians from Tandem playing at Two Moons Burritos. I could have gone, but here I am on my non-Internet-connected computer.


t around midnight we had a visitor, or actually, two visitors. One of these was the Chinese girl Michele who had done some sort of creepy three way hanky panky with Angela and Matthew back in December (when they lived at her old apartment near the Corner). The other was this young guy named Noah, who is a friend of some of those skinny white little Charlottesville tough guys. He works at Little Johns I think.

Anyway, we were hanging out, getting along okay, joking, laughing, drinking vino, when we suddenly heard this comotion going on outside. There were shouts, there were screams. I thought I even heard a shot. We all ran to the window and beheld a surreal sight. Behind the frat house (Beta Theta Pi) diagonal from our yard runs a high wooden fence, and over this fence we could see a group of people either retreating or advancing. There might have been as many as ten of them, both male and female, and most strange for this neighborhood, they were all black. What we were witnessing we weren't entirely sure. Was it an inter-fraternal invasion? A group of would-be partiers being turned away? A gangland war?

As we stood around watching, a bunch of cops showed up in their cruisers. Some parked on Observatory in front of our house, and others came up along Stadium Road. One officer asked if I'd heard shots fired, and I said that I thought I had. While the officer prowled around in the backyard and into the fraternity yard, a group of young black people emerged from the bushes across Observatory and walked leisurely away, talking about how they couldn't get into no "pwoddies." The cop saw them and climbed into his cruiser to call in reinforcements. I have no idea how this little showdown ended.

Michele took Noah home (she was evidently only giving him a ride) and then returned. Shira the Dog was being playful as usual, biting Michele gently on the hand. But Michele didn't like this one bit, and she grabbed Shira's mouth and forceably held it shut until Shira whimpered.

"Don't do that to my dog!" Angela protested.

Responded Michele, "You have to do that! Do you want your dog to be big and still biting people?"

Said Angela, "I don't want my dog to be one of those old dogs that lies around and does everything that everyone tells her!"

Meanwhile Shira was prancing around, looking daggers at Michele and howling. It was hilarious.

Despite all this, I think we'll be seeing a lot more of Michele in the future. She has some sort of fondness for Matthew, and she demonstrated a certain amount of curiosity about the weird stuff I do. Michele is very outgoing in a sort of a neurotic way. If she notices that someone isn't talking, she'll immediately ask what's wrong.

I've been busy with my scanner and video capture technology. Look at pictures from the Aquarius Party and also some pictures from the January Malvernia trip (which Jessika scanned for me while she was here).

one year ago

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