June 2001 01: survey me baby
- I participate in a healthcare phone survey.
02: route around the high tech
- I abandon my motherboard's processor fan power connectors. Also, I build an image rating system for the Vodkatea front page.
03: Punch Buggy Rust mission to Venice
- John and I drive in the Punch Buggy Rust down to Venice.
04: pigeons and trees
- I like pigeons and I wish I was a tree.
05: keep the introverts introverted
- John and I go to see Rufus Wainwright but only catch two minutes of one of his songs.
06: not exactly dotcom fluff
- More dotcom job jitters. Also: shifting musical interests.
07: housemate blows a gasket
- John suffers some bleeding from an ulcer and is hospitalized.
08: why work when waste will win?
- Thinking about dotcom waste.
09: Glendale art party
- I go to an art party, smoke some hashish and have an okay time.
10: lousy pizza in Brentwood
- John and I walk up to Brentwood on another sunny Southern California day.
11: McHoax
- John and I stage a simple internet hoax, making a fake McVeigh execution MPEG.
12: mistakes will be limited to such things
- I miss an electric bill and bitch about mail delivery in West LA.
13: who let the 'tards out? - duh, duh, duh
- Embarrassed by our President in Europe.
14: not my recession
- Also, John, Farley and I shoot some pool at two different Irish pubs.
15: the Hackensaw Boys in Los Angeles
- I hang out with a band from Charlottesville and hook up with the booking girl at the venue.
16: morning in North Hollywood
- I wake up with this girl Jennifer and decide she's a pretty cool chick.
17: don't bother me; I'm eating
- I bitch out a legless man on the Promenade in Santa Monica when he bothers me for money while I'm eating.
18: condo for rent
- John takes a job in New York and I put my condo up for rent.
19: condo not for rent
- John decides to stay in Santa Monica.
20: Guided by Voices at the House of Blues
- I finally get to see my favorite band play live.
21: John packs his shit
- It looks like I'm moving to New York soon.
22: 40s and Adderall
- We drink malt liquor, eat ADD medication, and visit Bathtubgirl in downtown Los Angeles.
23: the weight of hardware
- Once again I'm sorting out what to keep and what to throw away.
24: the weight of impending departure
- I experience a major funk as I psychologically prepare to leave Los Angeles.
25: seismic emergency preparedness
- I confirm the presence of a seismic emergency cutoff valve on my gas line.
26: I'm painting you Mommy!
- Witnessing a tyrannical child while waiting for my paint colors.
27: Genghis Cohen
- A nightclub in Hollywood, seven miles away.
28: dotcom life preserver
- Yahoo buys the company that employees me.
29: Bathtubgirl Productions Cancer-Birthday Party
- I can work for Yahoo in New York, and I attend a party.
30: naps and house preparation
- I prepare my house to be sold and take plenty of breaks to nap.