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I am the juice carrier.
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Big Fun Glossary Gallery Page 6

One of Jessika's arrangements

An arrangement by Jessika adjacent to the Aries Pen. The periphery of this arrangement also includes such elements as a dead Coopers Hawk that was found along the side of the highway. Click picture for a bigger version.

a picture of Jessika with a doll head

Jessika in the shed adjacent to the Aries Pen with one of her body-free friends. A fascination with doll heads was widespread at Big Fun, but no one loved and collected doll heads with quite Jessika's compulsiveness. Photo by Deya. Click picture for a bigger version.

Jessika, fuse box and a rotten dog corpse

Disgust with the Big Fun electrical situation led to mockery such as this at the hands of Jessika, here employing doll heads and a dog carcass for such mockery. July, 1996. Photo by Deya. Click picture to zoom in on the details.

The couch in Matthew Hart's room

The couch in Matthew Hart's room on the first floor of Big Fun, Summer 1996. The random white objects on the couch are pieces of the plaster ceiling that gradually fell away during the Winter and Spring of 1996. This couch was one of the places where non-residents crashed after a night of dissolute living. Matthew Hart's room was kept above freezing by a heavy duty electric space heater.

The Great Mannequin Head Cook-Off, July 1996
typical Big Fun craziness
photos by Deya

Raphael cooking mannequin heads

Raphael still
mannequin heads

the great cook Raphæl

Jessika cooking mannequin heads

Jessika applies herself.

cooking mannequin heads

Dinner. Doo dee doo...

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All who want copper bracelets cut me into links.
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