Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   I heart bush
Thursday, August 3 2000

The farmers rise every morning at five
The truckers drive them eighteen wheelers all night
The factory workers, they build it with pride
Twenty-four seven down the assembly line
In every city, in every town
Somebody's got to make the world go 'round

We the people move it
We the people know
We the people
We run the country
We the people prove it
We're the heart and soul
We the people
We are the country

Here's to every salesman on the telephone line
And every waitress working hard for those dimes
The middle managers who punch overtime
And anyone fighting wars, fires and crimes
Day after day, year after year
The Mint might print them but the buck stops here

Repeat Chorus

We pay the taxes, we pay the bills
So they better pay attention up on Capitol Hill

Final Chorus
We the people move it
We the people know
We the people
We run the country
We the people prove it
We're the heart and soul
We the people
We are the country
We the people choose it
We the people vote
We the people
We run the country
We the people rock it
We the people roll
We the people
We are the country

That beefy helping of embarrassment is the latest song from Billy Ray Cyrus, most famous mullet-head of 'em all. It should come as no surprise that this is George W. Bush's official campaign theme song. I'm comforted by the thought that mullets might just be a Republican phenomenon. And I find myself wondering: did Dick Cheney's daughter ever sport a mullet? After all, she's both a Republican and a lesbian!


After I got home, Kim and I were getting along fairly well, talking a little here and there about the business details of our breakup. She's planning on getting a place in Venice, but money is tight and my second mortgage is taking longer than expected, so we found ourselves pondering how we'd be getting the money. Anyway, while this was going on, she ordered some Chinese food from some place she has ordered from before. When it came, it was like an entirely different sort of cuisine from the greasy Chinese food I'm familiar with. This stuff contained an intact fish, somehow perfectly fresh and deliciously seasoned. I'd somehow been deluded into thinking that everything eaten by the Chinese is first cut into little bite-sized pieces, the kind one expects to find in one of those little folded-up waxed cardboard cartons with the wire handle. (I imagine this is mostly what you find if you do excavation in a Chinese landfill.)


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