Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   in the pizza delivery zone
Saturday, September 17 2005
I continued working on the laboratory electrical wiring, bringing it somewhat closer to compliance. I'd wired a couple of lights to a set of switches using speaker wire, which would normally be fine, since it's rare to have jack-booted bureaucrats kicking down your doors and performing proctology on the specifics of your household infrastructure. I'm still concerned about the possibility that I will told my laboratory doesn't have enough wall outlets, so one of the things I did today was add one such outlet on the sloping west wall-ceiling. If I were to actually comply with electrical ordinances, there would actually be four or five outlets along that wall. If forced, though, I can run some sort of surface wiring using today's new outlet as a supply. (To do the same thing on the east wall-ceiling would require coming up from below.)

Several weeks ago I saw a Picnic Pizza delivery car bearing pizza to the teenage skatepunks up the street. I'd filed that information under "useful dinnertime options."
Today I accessed that file, calling Picnic Pizza and asking if they actually delivered up Dug Hill Road. It was possible, after all, that the skatepunks happen to know a Picnic Pizza employee and the delivery I'd observed was available only to friends of the kitchen staff. But no, after some hemming and hawing and perhaps a reference to a map, the guy at Picnic Pizza said sure, he'd deliver. A half hour later Gretchen and I had our mushroom, onion, and garlic pizza, along with a side of breadsticks. Who needs to live in the city when its conveniences are so easily had at the head of two-mile-long forested trails? Furthermore, I don't have to feel quite as confined by the fact that my truck is out of commission.

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