eager moss Monday, March 26 2007
At around noon I drove Gretchen to one of our cars at the Kingston Trailways parking lot and she proceeded on to Bard while I took care of such business as giving our tax paperwork to our accountant. It's always this time of year when I find myself running this particular errand: melting piles of dirty snow everywhere on the brown grass and concrete. But there's a hint of a promise in the air, and the lifeless trees are showing some nearly-imperceptible signs or life. Perhaps it's just that their branches are a little heavier with sap and resist the wind with a bit more inertia.
This afternoon I took the dogs on a walk in the nearby forest, mostly to appreciate the runoff from the ongoing snowmelt. The temperature was up to around 55 degrees Fahrenheit, though when I reached into the roaring Chamomile "River" to grab a stone, the water immediately chilled my hand to the bone. The most impressively-colored plant at this time of year is moss, which is eager to photosynthesize and ready to go once the snow melts off of it. The sunlight is going to be making it mostly-unobstructed to the forest floor for the next month or so, so this is the time when some species of moss (and many spring flowers) do much of their carbon fixing.
Part of my forest walk was to see where exactly the freshly-resurveyed boundary of our new fifteen acre strip of forest runs. It turns out that this strip includes a bit more of the bluff above the Stick Trail than I'd thought. There are a number of stout White Pines up on that bluff and it might be fun to build some sort of observatory platform in one of them.
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