Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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   saved from Facebook purgatory
Monday, February 17 2014
This morning I finally succeeded in saving my troll Suzy from Facebook purgatory by successfully identifying a series of photographs of Suzy's "friends." This had originally been a daunting task, but by today I'd used Facebook's AJAX-powered autofill to get the names of most of Suzy's friends. To do this, I had to type every letter of the alphabet into the form beneath the Facebook anti-troll quiz mystery pictures and note each time what names resulted in the dropdown (doing so does not, however, produce a complete list). With that list, I could then look up the faces using another troll's account that shares many of the same "friends." Then I could take notes next to names. Most of the faces shown were of white women, so they predominated the list, though there were a smattering of men and two black women. Those notes were crucial to getting back into Suzy's account, and once I did so, the first post Suzy made was "I'm ba-----ack!"

Today's troll notes. Click to enlarge.

At around noon, I attempted to take the dogs for a walk despite the deep snow. This time I strapped on an old pair of snowshoes that used to belong to my father. They're made of wood and rawhide and feature shoe straps that my father made by hand from stock leather. These proved much better for walking on the snow than the smaller vegan shoes I'd worn yesterday. The problem, though, was that the straps were designed to accommodate a much thicker boot than my rubber galoshes, and even at the tightest setting, the shoe straps were too loose. This wasn't initially a problem, but after I'd trudged about a half mile, the leather had stretched and every so often I'd take step and walk right out off the snow shoe, and my boot would plunge down into the depths of the 21 inch (or more) snow. After doing this multiple times, my rubber galoshes were full of snow and my toes were screaming in cold-induced pain. I hurried homeward as fast as I could, but with the problems I was having, that wasn't very fast. It was good that I hadn't actually made it too far from home before the snow shoes failed me. Having to walk a mile with that equipment in those conditions (deep, fluffy snow with temperatures in the 20s) would have been dangerous.

I compensated for the painful chill by luxuriating in the greenhouse, where the sun had yet again raised temperatures to the upper 80s. Ramona was already down there when I arrived, and we were soon joined by Eleanor. It was so comfortable that I ended up sleeping for something like two hours. The sun set on the greenhouse at about 3:40 in the afternoon and then temperatures began to drop, though it was still comfortable when we left. [REDACTED]

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