Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
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Irving housing

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Backwoods Home
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Tuesday, October 23 2018
On the drive to work this morning, my Subaru threw a P0139 error code, which is generally what I get if my oxygen sensor hacks are too zealous. The error is officially described as "oxygen sensor circuit slow response," which is what you get when you have too much capacitance on the signal line from the sensor. When I came home tonight, I swapped out the 330 microfarad capacitor in my hack with a 47 microfarad one.
At work, I fucked around all day with that damn receipt printer. I was trying to get it to either "endorse" or "validate" slips of paper standing in for checks. It would do neither. Unfortunately, I was able to find very little information about these concept in Google searches, and the tech support at was pretty much useless. Their response to anything is a single-line, usually telling me to contact a software provider or equipment distributor. I should mention that I've always had an uncomfortable feeling about the Epson brand, mostly because it reminds me of epsom salt, a faintly poisonous salt used by our grandmothers for now-forgotten reasons.

After getting home tonight, I immediately went into the nearby forest to retrieve a backpack of prepared firewood from a pile near the north end of the Stick Trail. A few pieces went into the woodshed, but most went atop the cooler parts of the woodstove so they could begin drying. There had been a brief cloudburst during my drive home, adding further moisture to the already-damp outdoors. Gretchen returned from the City shortly thereafter and then I performed that the Subaru hack adjustments mentioned earlier. Despite my struggles with the damn receipt printer, I went to bed feeling like I had gotten a lot done today.

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