Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").

[latest article]
May 2024
Apr | May | Jun
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index of years


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   May 2024

01: flowing solar data - Now that I know how to get data from the cabin's solar inverter, I start piping it through my elaborate remote control system.
02: Scottish friends arrive - Kelly and Brian, whom we know from vegan boat cruises, arrive after having spent some time in New York City.
03: Glenford Dike - We take our Scottish friends to Woodstock.
04: learning a card game - Our Scottish guests teach us the game of Asshole at the cabin.
05: back from the cabin to purple pie - After almost running out of power in the electric car driving home from the Adirondacks, we go out for dinner at La Florentina.
06: worn out from socializing - And plagued by diarrhea.
07: logging prerequisiste - Before I can put the robots in charge, I need a good monitoring system.
08: pizza with asparagus - I make dinner and Neville freaks out and bites a pedestrian.
09: 21st anniverary - Dinner at Cucina and a cute bridge on a secret path.
10: two-porcupine Friday - Charlotte finds two porcupines near Woodworth Lake, one of whom manages to leave some quills in her lips.
11: a mouseproof basement ventillation system - Wire mesh and a thermostat-controlled fan.
12: walking an unexplored boundary - North of the Woodworth Lake, Charlotte finds another porcupine. Also, Neville and I walk through unexplored wilderness.
13: Gretchen was compelled - The dogs briefly work at the bookstore until an unpleasant woman complains.
14: automation success - But some tricky problem keeps me up past midnight.
15: peak spring, 2024 - Not just red efts, but hummingbirds too.
16: pissed-off mother deer - Charlotte goes 'nope!' and high-tails for home when a deer refuses to be chased.