Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   pirated cable
Monday, July 21 1997

    uys guys, check out the bottom of the July 9th entry and see what the webmaster of the Faces of Fear page has done in response to my directly linking to images on his server! He's also complained to the webmaster here at about my "abuse of the webring." The forces of smarm can always be counted upon to complain to the webmaster. To this I say "EAT MY SHORTS!" Given, that is, that I'm wearing shorts (or underwear). The former: rarely, the latter: never.

    It makes me shake my head in wonder as I find myself liking this buzzingly noisy crap.

      bought a couple CDs at Plan 9 today. One was Slayer's Undisputed Attitude, the compilation of mostly punk rock covers by what in my opinion is the best speed metal band in history. Undisputed Attitude was one of the CDs stolen from me at Space Party II. If you're interested, I suggest you read what I wrote about it when I bought the first copy. The other was Pavement's Westing (by musket and sextant). I'm told it's a compilation of old stuff. It certainly is noisy, deliberately, wantonly so. Never have I heard such musical significance given to radio white noise as in the opening track. It has a decidedly Velvet Underground flavour, with a strong undercurrent of pop-punk, the kind Matthew Hart is always saying he likes. And it's all delivered with that endearing deliberate weakness that characterizes lowfi. It makes me shake my head in wonder as I find myself liking this buzzingly noisy crap.


    s yet another thunderstorm wreaked electrical havoc and spat rain, I installed a brand new telephone line to my room directly from the outdoor box. It worked fine, but a lousey 2400 baud modem couldn't be coaxed into doing anything useful.

    The Kroger was experiencing some sort of plumbing emergency at the time; a big guy with a mullet was running a concrete circle saw while another ran a jackhammer, right in front of the deli department.
    Matthew Hart, Leah, Deya and I sat around on the couch wondering how to spend the evening. The evening for Matthew hadn't gone well since he discovered he didn't have the Cajun seasoning he'd thought he'd purchased at Fresh Fields today. Eventually we decided to go to a movie at a cheapo dollar theatre up on Hydraulic Road off the evil 29 North. Matthew drove us in the C&O van. First, however, we stopped to pick up some Mad Dog at the Kroger in Barracks Road. The Kroger was experiencing some sort of plumbing emergency at the time; a big guy with a mullet was running a concrete circle saw while another ran a jackhammer, right in front of the deli department. The racket was unimaginable.

    The movie we saw was an action-thriller on the high seas entitled Speed II. What can I say? It was a horrible movie despite the edge-of-your-seat special effects and the low expectations induced by Orange Jubilee Mad Dog (17% alcohol). I entertained myself a little by watching the villain, Willem Dafoe, since I'm always being told that I look exactly like him. And I did have some fun mocking the movie out loud. A little inappropriately-timed hip-hop-jargon on my part had Matthew fearing we'd be jumped by a couple of homies seated behind us. Then I casually said something that was extremely insulting to Deya and Leah did hit me. Mistakes were made.

    We took turns scaling the utility pole across the street, hooking up different coax cables to the distribution box.

    ack at Kappa Mutha Fucka I apologized to Deya for being such an unthinking fool. Then Matthew and I did something about our house's lack of cable television. We took turns scaling the utility pole across the street, hooking up different coax cables to the distribution box until BINGO!-- nineteen crystal-clear channels were available on the tuner! Taurus Rising rejoiced. Shonan and his sister Natalie had shown up by this point and helped the others watch a freshly-available Cops. But I had to leave for work without the benefit of a pre-work nap.

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