Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   eerie movie violence
Tuesday, May 18 1999
If I hadn't been arguing with Kim over the specifics of Elizabethan English history, I would have been having a delicious time watching the first part of a flick she rented called, appropriately enough, Elizabeth, about the early period of Queen Elizabeth I's rise to power. It's a stunning, magical movie, with plenty of eerie violence (the Scottish post-battle scene is especially intense) as well as twisted, theatrical backroom politics. I must have been getting at least some of my history right, because Kim, a history minor in college no less, demanded to know how I knew so much given how little reading she sees me doing.
Towards the middle of the movie, Kim fell asleep and I put it on hold for tomorrow.

In place of more writing, here is a demonstration of a groovy series of color-handling javascripts I wrote today. (It's more fun if you click on the squares.)

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