Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   pizza girl
Wednesday, May 26 1999

I was amused when I first saw the Phantom Menace Pepsico ads, the ones featuring the Taco Bell Chihuahua, Colonel Saunders and the generic pizza-making Pizza Hut staffer girl. The lack of a Pizza Hut mascot had never before been made so painfully obvious. Pizza Hut, and by extension, pizza itself, was suddenly looking like a tired concept.
But an interesting thing has happened since that ad began running. The Pizza Hut girl, looking like so many other pizza hut employees, has become a mascot in her own right. The Pepsico radio ads now gleefully reference "the Pizza Hut girl" with an expectation that everyone knows who she is. It throws an almost proletarian spin on Pizza Hut itself, as though it might be the pizzeria of choice if Lenin should ever arise from his embalmed slumber. This wouldn't be the first time Pepsico borrowed from the imagery of organized socialist revolution. Surely you've seen the ads where the Taco Bell dog, donning a berret, addresses a revolutionary rally and leads the crowd in uplifting revolutionary song, complete with the ball that would be bouncing if only I knew any Dynamic HTML.

In other news, the Littleton massacre seems to have given the Normal World the chance it's long been awaiting to crack down hard on the weirdos.

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