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Like my brownhouse:
   Mark Green household
Thursday, September 6 2001

The Grand Army Plaza stop on the Red Line is upscale and influential by Brooklyn standards, and as the primary season approaches I'm seeing increasing activity by New York City mayoral campaigns directly in front of the station's entrance. This morning the candidate was Alan Hevesi and I shook his hand even though I'm living in a strongly pro-Mark Green household. (For the time being I'm actually living with a genuine Mark Green campaigner; since returning from vacation, Gretchen's friend Eulala has been sleeping on our couch until her next residence becomes available.)
The heavy-handed tactics of Hevesi's campaign workers at the Grand Army Plaza subway station seemed inappropriate in a city as jaded as this one. Did they really have to tell me (in the manner one uses with kindergarten children) "meet your next mayor"? Implying that something will definitely happen when the chances are slim does nothing to endear me to a cause.

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