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Like my brownhouse:
   watching a lumberjack perform
Thursday, September 20 2001

My crowning achievement of the day was the completion of my web page advocating war against Heaven as retaliation for the Attack on America.
At about 3pm, the desktop computer maintenance guy was installing patches in my machine to prevent further ravages from the dreaded NIMDA virus. I'd already eaten lunch, so to kill time I went on a joy ride on the Red Line subway, going all the way up to 72nd Street before turning south again. Ah, the joys of an unlimited MTA card! Unfortunately, a steady rain was falling and walking even a few blocks wasn't pleasant. I'm still in a Los Angeles state of mind and never think to wear a raincoat or carry an umbrella.

At 9:00pm, I watched George W. Bush deliver the big speech of his life, which was a little like watching a lumberjack perform a delicate Siamese twin separation. Still, W. performed to the best of his abilities, special though they be. The only way the presentation could have been improved would have required a trained actor and excellent stage makeup. For the most part, George has bumbled his way through this crisis as he has through his entire life, even using unfortunate words like "crusade" to explain our mission. (Please, White House, hire an Islamic expert immediately!) But I will give credit where credit is due. I was impressed to see a shoeless George W. visiting a mosque the other day. And tonight I think his speech writer did a reasonable job of separating the Taliban from the rest of the Muslim horde, even while propagandistically failing to mention our role in the Taliban's rise.
Another thing, and I'm sure this has been stated elsewhere, but I love the irony in the fact that now all of a sudden George W. Bush is faced with reality that there is a world out there that he has to deal with, not as some collection of playground wimps, but in the aftermath of a humiliating seesaw buttfuck, as an alliance for attacking the shady playground pædophile.

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