Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
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got that wrong

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Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   erudite, but entertained by toilet
Friday, April 16 2004
What did I call them, the Refrigerator People? Meatlocker People? They're our new neighbors from a few doors up the road, the ones Gretchen coincidentally knew from Prospect Park in Brooklyn, and we've decided they're great. Tonight we went out with them to our friendly neighborhood bar, the Hurley Mounta!n Inn. They make a good pizza, they're close by, and if you ignore the hunters' trophies and the rumored treatment of their employees, it's possible to enjoy a damn good meal there.
Over our typical HMI dinner of pizza and fries (now we also get a salad), we talked and joked about a variety of common interests. As Gretchen pointed out later, the Meatlocker People were tuned in directly to our wavelength: erudite, but entertained by toilet humor, leftist politically but not "politically correct." When Gretchen talked about Redneckistan and how we always hum a little bluegrass banjo solo everytime we pass a trailer park, Ms. Meatlocker told us about something called "the Redneck Game." It's a roadtrip diversion in which you accumulate various numbers of points for spotting attributes of redneck living. Indoor furniture out in a yard is maybe five points, a bug zapper is seven. A toilet is fifteen.
I was the only one at the table who was drinking anything alcoholic.

Later at home, Gretchen and I watched South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. I haven't been much of a fan of South Park, but it seems like it's been getting funnier over the years, because I've seen recent episodes that were more consistently funny than the Simpsons (but maybe not quite as funny as Futurama). It's become more nuanced and satirical with age, applying its comic toolbox: toilet humor and fart jokes, to the vicious skewering of the repellant absurdities of modern life.
This particular South Park movie was five years old and probably predated the current phase. There were parts that were gut-bustingly funny (the Terrence and Phillip "movie" theme song and the M'kay Song especially), but other things were repetitive and excessive - not the toilet humor and fart jokes so much as the wearisome homosexual relationship between Saddam Hussein and Satan. (Evidently back in 1999 the South Park guys were as obsessed with Saddam as Bush II became in 2002).

Gretchen and I took the dogs to the go-cart track this morning

Eleanor being shiny against the moss.

A wall of concrete blocks at the ruins of the go-cart track.

An old stone wall at the go-cart track. The woods on the plateau are full of these walls.

Eleanor and Gretchen at a ruined building on the go-cart track.
Inside this building are the remains of a bathrooms and a small kitchen.
Everything inside that could be smashed has been smashed.

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