Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
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two stacked guillotines Tuesday, February 20 2007
In this diagram, which looks a little like two stacked guillotines, you can follow the intra-stud route of the new duct. The duct captures hot air from the oval hole high in the living room ceiling (in blue), draws it down through the floor after passing a repaired hole in the drywall (green). In the floor it passes through a makeshift duct of aluminized bubblewrap between the studs (purple) to the wall beneath. At this point it will encounter a fan, which will be inside an as-yet-unbuilt soffit structure high on the bathroom wall. The fan will be plugged into a conventional duplex outlet I've installed inside the duct in the floor above. That outlet is controlled by a wall switch in the bathroom. The warm air ultimately emerges from a rectangular hole in the tiled bathroom wall (blue rectangle).
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