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Monday, February 26 2007

Today I resurrected some Javascript code I'd written as part of an ill-fated community calendar project (for the ill-fated back in late 1997. I used this code to devise a Javascript-based calendar in a modern web application I'm building. Perhaps surprisingly, the code only required some simplifying and reformatting to be useful more than nine years later. As written, the code also had a rather glaring Y2K problem that manifested when it attempted to write the current year, which it referred to as "20107."
(By the way, the calendar I use for archive navigation in is written entirely in PHP and its formatting is calculated entirely by the server. In the first iteration of the present calendaring application, I used that PHP code. But the Javascript version is much more responsive.)
The advantage of Javascript in a calendar application is that it can be rendered entirely by the browser, leaving the server to do other things that don't require it to send kilobytes of formatting with every flip of the month. Of course, a useful calendar also requires information from a database, something my calendar gets through AJAX-style communications (though I cheat and, instead of XML, I deliver my data in pipe-delimited strings, and I make DOM alterations from tiny IFRAMEs).

For linking purposes this article's URL is:

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